Uchi Deshi Week: 2nd – 6th September 2024

We offer a unique opportunity for people who are ready to immerse themselves in a full-time aikido environment. This uchi deshi week allows to focus on training and developing your aikido, be it in preparation of your next grade, or just to be able to practise outside of your usual life.
The free time can be dedicated to extra training, reading, exploring the beautiful city of Zurich or the forests or rivers around it.
Our dojo members will help to make this stay an unforgettable, joyful and social experience!
The uchideshi week costs CHF 120.-. This includes all classes and accomodation. It does not include food.
Training includes 5 morning weapons classes – outside if weather allows, 5 evening classes, and 3 kids classes. Attendance in all classes is required.
Accomodation is super-basic:
- We don’t have showers. But at this time of the year swimming in the river and taking a shower at the pool there is still good; or there is a public indoor pool nearby.
- We don’t have a kitchen, but we have a small fridge, a coffee machine, a tea kettle and a little electric hotplate.
- You will need to bring sleeping bag
Near the dojo there are supermarkets, cafes and everything you need within walking distance. River to swim and forest for walks as well. And of course the dojo can be used during the rest of the day.
Ideally, the Uchi Deshi week is combined with the attendance at the Seminar with Thalea Koithan and Moa Lindell.
So if you are interested, please contact us! Places are limited!